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Non so se possa consolare. Qui di seguito inserisco la traduzione di un breve passo da un articolo del Guardian di oggi 15 agosto, scritto da un corrispondente di Las Vegas, Nevada.

Questo mese di giugno è stato il più caldo mai registrato. In luglio le cose sono ulteriormernte peggiorate, con un record di sette giorni di seguito a 46 gradi o più, mentre il mese ha battuto il record di tutti i tempi con la temperatura di 49 gradi. Le notti hanno dato poco sollievo. Anche dopo il calar del sole, finché io ero lì non siamo mai andati sotto i 37 gradi.

Trovate qui sotto l’articolo originale dal Guardian di oggi.


As extreme heat gets worse, it’s the vulnerable who suffer most

Gabrielle Canon

The heat rising off the searing sidewalks pierced through my sneakers as I knelt to speak to Jacob, a man living in a concrete drainage channel tucked behind an apartment building in Las Vegas, Nevada.

I was on assignment to cover a brutal heatwave that pushed Sin City to a deadly simmer, and I hit the shadeless streets – hot enough to cause second-degree burns in seconds – to hear from those most affected by the dangerous conditions. “I don’t remember the sun being so stinging hot,” he said slowly, shielding his eyes from the midday light sharply reflecting across the concrete cityscape. I agreed.

This June was the city’s hottest on record. In July, things got even worse with a record seven days at 115F (46C) or higher and the month set a new all-time high of 120F (49C). Nights offered little reprieve. Even after the sun had set while I was there in mid-July, temperatures refused to dip below 100F (37C).

As the Guardian’s extreme weather correspondent, it’s my job to report from the frontlines of disasters, telling stories that expose the climate crisis as it unfolds. The intensity, frequency and scale of these events are increasing, leaving the most vulnerable to disproportionately bear the brunt.

As our world warms, we march into uncharted territory. It’s already been a busy summer. More, after this week’s climate headlines.



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